These essays by seven Anglican writers cover various aspects of the life and influence of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153). His relationship with God is discussed by Andrew Louth and Martin L. Smith, his monastic life and teaching by Rowan Williams, Brian Golding and Sister Benedicta Ward SLG, and the influence of his teaching on the Cistercian elements in the Holy Grail legend by Sister Isabel SLG. In his Introduction, Dom Jean Leclercq OSB notes the high quality of learning in these essays, and their effectiveness in nourishing faith and a love for the Church.
The Influence of Saint Bernard: Anglican Essays
Andrew Louth, Benedicta Ward SLG, Brian Golding, Dom Jean Leclercq OSB, Martin L. Smith, Rowan Williams, Sister Isabel SLG
LENGTH: 105 pages
Fairacres Publications 60
These essays by seven Anglican writers cover various aspects of the life and influence of Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153). His relationship with God is discussed by Andrew Louth and Martin L. Smith, his monastic life and teaching by Rowan Williams, Brian Golding and Sister Benedicta Ward SLG, and the influence of his teaching on the Cistercian elements in the Holy Grail legend by Sister Isabel SLG. In his Introduction, Dom Jean Leclercq OSB notes the high quality of learning in these essays, and their effectiveness in nourishing faith and a love for the Church.
Additional information
Length | 105 pages |
Author | Andrew Louth, Benedicta Ward SLG, Brian Golding, Dom Jean Leclercq OSB, Martin L. Smith, Rowan Williams, Sister Isabel SLG |
Book Size | 143 x 222 mm |
Author Bio
Andrew Louth, an Orthodox priest, is Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies at the University of Durham, where he has taught since 1996. He taught previously in the Universities of Oxford and London and is an expert in the history and theology of Eastern Christianity. He is the author of many books, including ‘The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition’, ‘Discerning the Mystery’, ‘Denys the Areopagite’ and ‘Maximus the Confessor’.
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Sister Benedicta Ward SLG (1933–2022) entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1955. She taught spirituality in the University of Oxford and was an Emeritus Fellow of Harris Manchester College. She wrote a number of books on early monasticism and on the Middle Ages, and was one of the world’s leading writers on the legacy of the Desert Fathers. Her published works include books on the Desert Fathers, the Venerable Bede, St Anselm, and on miracles and relics in the Christian tradition.
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Brian Golding taught medieval history at the University of Southampton. He has written widely on the medieval English church, particularly monasticism, the Norman Conquest, and Gerald of Wales. The essay in ‘The Influence of Saint Bernard’ was his first academic publication. He is the author of ‘Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertine Order’ (Oxford University Press, 1995) and more recently has published on the Gilbertines in the ‘Journal of Ecclesiastical History’ and in ‘Mitteraltliche Orden und Klöster im Vergleich’ (‘Vita Regularis’ 34, 2007).
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Dom Jean Leclercq OSB (1911-93), a monk of Clairvaux Abbey in France, was a historian of Western medieval monasticism. His works included the definitive edition of the writings of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, the books ‘The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: Study of Monastic Culture’ and ‘Alone with God’ (a guide to the eremitical way of life), a study of ‘lectio divina’ (or ‘holy reading’), and the history of inter-monastic dialogue. He used his scholarship in the service of the future of monasticism, taking part, along with Thomas Merton, in inter-faith monastic dialogue and becoming well-known for his gift of encouragement to communities and individuals living the monastic way of life.
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Martin Lee Smith, English by birth and an Oxford graduate, is a priest of the Episcopal Church in the USA and has been chaplain to the US House of Bishops. He was Senior Associate Rector of St Columba’s Church, Washington DC, and is a well-known spiritual director, lecturer, retreat leader and writer. His books include ‘The Word is Very Near You: A Guide to Praying with Scripture’ (Cowley Publications, 1989) and ‘A Season for the Spirit: Readings for the Days of Lent’ (Church Publishing Inc., 2004). He is a former member of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist.
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Rowan Williams, born in 1950 and ordained priest in 1978. He was the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, prior to which he was Bishop of Monmouth and Archbishop of Wales. He was Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity in the University of Oxford from 1986 to 1991. He is a noted theologian and poet and the author of more than fifty books.
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Sister Isabel SLG entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1956 and was Editor of SLG Press 1997-2006.
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