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Fairacres Chronicle

The Fairacres Chronicle is published twice a year (Summer and before Christmas). It is a journal of community news, book reviews and articles of relevance to the community and its contemplative monastic way of life. The articles are written by sisters and friends and associates of the community.


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We stock a wide range of Christian Books. Our publications aim to help and support people who desire to take prayer seriously. This general intention broadens out to a variety of topics relating to the spiritual life – studies of those who have made a significant contribution to Christian teaching on prayer over the centuries, theological reflection on the gospels, poetical writing, ministry, suffering and death, and pilgrimage.




Vincent Strudwick

Eliot’s Transitions

T. S. Eliot’s Search for Identity and the Society of the Sacred Mission at Kelham Hall

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Sebastian Brock

The Prayers of Saint Isaac of Nineveh

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Sister Edmée SLG

Divine Love in the Song of Songs

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Thomas Campion, Sacred Poetry

Made All of Light

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Various authors

Conflict and Concord

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