1. Delivery within the United Kingdom
1 to 2 items | £2.50 |
3 to 4 items | £3.00 |
5 to 7 items | £4.50 |
8 to 20 items | £7.50 |
More than 20 items | Please contact the Press for charges |
2. Delivery within Europe
1 or 2 items | £4.75 |
3 or 4 items | £6.00 |
Europe 1 | Europe 2 | Europe 3 | |
Between 5 and 7 items | £9.00 | £9.50 | £10.00 |
Between 8 and 10 items | £10.50 | £10.75 | £11.50 |
Between 11 and 20 items | £13.00 | £13.50 | £14.50 |
3. Delivery to World Zone 1 (See *)
1 or 2 items | £6.00 |
3 or 4 items | £8.50 |
Between 5 and 7 items | £15.50 |
Between 8 and 10 items | £18.00 |
Between 11 and 20 items | £25.00 |
4. Delivery to World Zone 2 (See *)
1 or 2 items | £7.00 |
3 or 4 items | £10.50 |
Between 5 and 7 items | £18.00 |
Between 8 and 10 items | £21.00 |
Between 11 and 20 items | £29.00 |
5. Delivery to World Zone 3 (USA)
1 or 2 items | £6.25 |
3 or 4 items | £8.75 |
Between 5 and 7 items | £19.75 |
Between 8 and 10 items | £23.50 |
Between 11 and 20 items | £31.00 |
SLG will calculate P&P for all orders above 20 items and provide customers with a cost.