We accept for publication in book form a small number of submissions each year, usually submitted directly by the authors. Before sending your work to us, please read carefully the ‘About Us’ pages, particularly the About SLG Press page, and also study our list to see if you think your work fits in with what we publish. Our focus is on short books which, in a Christian context, give guidance and support on prayer, including books which relate to works of prayer and spirituality from past centuries and the authors of those works.
The usual length of our publications is between 7,000 and 20,000 words. Significantly longer essays will not usually be suitable for us, although shorter items may be considered. Our preference is for un-illustrated text although we can include black-and-white illustrations if they are pertinent to the text.
We receive requests periodically for publications which could help young people or adults approaching confirmation; and for short, simple publications written for a non-academic audience of adults wishing to learn about and begin to embrace the Christian faith. We welcome for consideration submissions which might suit this market.
Please do not send extended books, dissertations, poetry, drama, fiction, autobiography or (in general) collections of sermons, essays or seminar papers by multiple authors.
If you wish to submit work for consideration you do not have to go through an agent: you may email your enquiry directly to the Editor. If you cannot send your proposal by email, please send it by post to:
The Editor, SLG Press,
Convent of the Incarnation,
Fairacres, Parker Street,
Oxford, OX4 1TB.
United Kingdom.