The Englishness of John Henry Newman


Ian Ker

LENGTH: 7 pages

SKU: E_JHN001 Categories: , Tags: ,

This article originated in notes from an informal talk given to Anglican and Roman Catholic Religious at the Convent of the Incarnation, Fairacres, Oxford, in the Centenary Year of the death of John Henry Newman, 1990.

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7 pages


Ian Ker

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Author Bio

The Revd Father Ian Ker is is one of the world's leading experts on the life and works of Blessed John Henry Newman. He is a member of the Oxford University Theology Faculty and the author of the comprehensive full-length life of Newman, 'John Henry Newman, A Biography' (Clarendon Press) and of a number of other books about Newman. He has co-edited letters and diaries and other works by Newman.

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