The Our Father


Benedicta Ward SLG

ISBN: 978-0-7283-0202-0

LENGTH: 32 pages

Fairacres Publications 169


A scholarly yet accessible book, showing the teaching of Origen, Cassian, Bede, Alcuin and Teresa of Avila on the Lord’s Prayer, and affirming the Christian journey as pilgrimage.

The Our Father, or Lord’s Prayer, is Jesus’ own teaching on prayer. Many commentaries have been written on this central prayer of Christianity, from the early Church to the present day. Sister Benedicta Ward chooses five writers from the third to the sixteenth centuries: Origen, John Cassian, the Venerable Bede, Alcuin of York and Teresa of Avila. She allows them to shed light on the Our Father in their own words, in a scholarly, yet accessible, book which affirms the Christian journey as one of pilgrimage, of being and becoming. Although our humanity is redeemed through the death and resurrection of Christ, each of us has to appropriate this fact entirely personally, in our prayer and in our lives.

Additional information




32 pages


Benedicta Ward SLG

Book Size

141 x 210 mm

Author Bio

Sister Benedicta Ward SLG (1933–2022) entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1955. She taught spirituality in the University of Oxford and was an Emeritus Fellow of Harris Manchester College. She wrote a number of books on early monasticism and on the Middle Ages, and was one of the world’s leading writers on the legacy of the Desert Fathers. Her published works include books on the Desert Fathers, the Venerable Bede, St Anselm, and on miracles and relics in the Christian tradition.

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