The Christian Solitary


Gilbert Shaw

ISBN: 978-0-7283-0046-0

LENGTH: 17 pages

This book on the solitary life as witness to Christ is intended particularly for solitaries and for those seeking to guide and support them.

This book is important reading both for solitaries and for those who seek to guide and support them in their calling. Gilbert Shaw defines the solitary life as a witness to the love and power of God revealed in the mystery of Christ crucified and glorified. While emphasising the ongoing need of the Church for the witness of solitaries, the author demonstrates that such a life cannot be undertaken lightly.

Additional information




17 pages


Gilbert Shaw

Book Size

140 x 210 mm

Author Bio

Gilbert Shaw (1886-1967) first practised as a lawyer, then was ordained priest in the Church of England. His priestly ministry included work among the unemployed in the East End of London in the 1930s, and later in Central London at St Anne’s Church, Soho. He worked for the Association for Promoting Retreats for many years. In the last three years of his life, he was Warden of the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God.

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