No-one has ever found a satisfactory answer to the question of suffering. Dr Korner has no slick answers, but wrestles honestly with the theological issues – not just from a theoretical point of view, but from personal experience of grave illness. Protesting against any notion of a God who keeps a score of rights and wrongs and who has to be appeased and ‘bought off’ through sacrifice and suffering, he preaches the God of unconditional love whom Jesus proclaimed and addressed as Abba, ‘dear Father’. The reader is pointed to Jesus, as a pattern and example for suffering humanity. This book is a translation by Sister Avis Mary SLG.
Why all this suffering What do I do about it
Reinhard Körner OCD, Sister Avis Mary SLG
ISBN: 978-0-7283-0168-9
LENGTH: 28 pages
Fairacres Publications 150
The author wrestles honestly with the theological issues about suffering, concluding that God is a God of unconditional love as proclaimed by Jesus, the pattern and example for suffering humanity.
Additional information
ISBN | 978-0-7283-0168-9 |
Length | 28 pages |
Author | Reinhard Körner OCD, Sister Avis Mary SLG |
ISSN | 0307-1405 |
Book Size | 140 x 210 mm |
Subtitle | Why all this suffering What do I do about it |
Author Bio
Doctor Reinhard Körner, born in 1951, is a Carmelite priest based at Birkenwerder, north of Berlin. He is well-known across the denominations in Germany for his retreats and courses and for his many published books on topics of spirituality.
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Sister Avis Mary SLG was called to the Bar in 1975 and entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1978. She has been Editor of SLG Press since 2006 and pursues a love for the German language and people through translating into English works of Christian spirituality.
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