Sometimes the message of optimism and hope of the fourteenth-century writer Julian of Norwich is understood rather superficially. Two lectures, given at her Shrine in Norwich, which can assist our understanding of her theology are reproduced here. Kenneth Leech shows how Julian can help us to recover a sense of the goodness of creation, and he challenges superficial interpretations of her saying that ‘all shall be well’. Sister Benedicta Ward reconsiders Julian in the light of the solitary tradition and contemporary medieval documents, suggesting that Julian may have been a widow who had borne a child.
Julian Reconsidered
Benedicta Ward SLG, Kenneth Leech
ISBN: 978-0-7283-0390-4
LENGTH: 35 pages
Fairacres Publications 106
1988 4/2001
Two lectures on Julian’s theology, showing how she points us to a sense of the goodness of creation, and considering her in the light of the solitary tradition and medieval documents.
Additional information
ISBN | 978-0-7283-0390-4 |
Length | 35 pages |
Author | Benedicta Ward SLG, Kenneth Leech |
ISSN | 0307-1405 |
Book Size | 140 x 210 mm |
Author Bio
Sister Benedicta Ward SLG (1933–2022) entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1955. She taught spirituality in the University of Oxford and was an Emeritus Fellow of Harris Manchester College. She wrote a number of books on early monasticism and on the Middle Ages, and was one of the world’s leading writers on the legacy of the Desert Fathers. Her published works include books on the Desert Fathers, the Venerable Bede, St Anselm, and on miracles and relics in the Christian tradition.
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Kenneth Leech was born in 1939 and ordained priest in 1965. He is the author of numerous publications, including ‘Soul Friend’, and ‘Spirituality and Pastoral Care’. He was Community Theologian at St Botolph’s Church, Aldgate, London between 1991 and 2004 and now lives in the Diocese of Manchester. He is a Priest Associate of the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God.
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