This book is the fruit of nearly six decades of engagement with the Divine Comedy, a poem that has captured and held the imagination of Christians for seven hundred years. The author describes how Dante’s journey through the three realms, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso maps onto the inner spiritual journey of all Christians. The dark wood in which the poem begins sums up Dante’s own mid-life crisis—moral, political and financial—and the beginning of a sometimes humiliating journey to self-knowledge. The questions that Dante addresses, attempting to explain the consequences of the death and resurrection of Jesus, are questions that still concern us today. This book accompanies us on our quest to a greater understanding of the relationship between Christian faith and human life.
Dante’s Spiritual Journey: A Reading of the Divine Comedy
A Reading of the Divine Comedy
ISBN: 978-0-7283-0321-8
LENGTH: 42 pages
Fairacres Publications 191
This book is the fruit of nearly six decades of engagement with the Divine Comedy, a poem that has captured and held the imagination of Christians for seven hundred years. The author describes how Dante’s journey through the three realms, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso maps onto the inner spiritual journey of all Christians. The dark wood in which the poem begins sums up Dante’s own mid-life crisis—moral, political and financial—and the beginning of a sometimes humiliating journey to self-knowledge. The questions that Dante addresses, attempting to explain the consequences of the death and resurrection of Jesus, are questions that still concern us today. This book accompanies us on our quest to a greater understanding of the relationship between Christian faith and human life.
Additional information
ISBN | 978-0-7283-0321-8 |
Length | 42 pages |
Book Size | 140 x 210 mm |
Author | Tony Dickinson |
Subtitle | A Reading of the Divine Comedy |
Author Bio
Tony Dickinson was born in Liverpool in 1948. After studying in Oxford and Lincoln and a career in university administration, he entered the ordained ministry of the Church of England in 1982, serving in the Dioceses of St Albans and Oxford and, from 2018 to 2024, in the Diocese in Europe. He has been actively involved in interfaith dialogue for nearly forty years, with a particular interest in Christian-Muslim dialogue at the parish level, as a school governor and through membership of the Council for Christian-Muslim Relations in High Wycombe and the Diocese of Oxford’s ‘Presence and Engagement’ network. He is an honorary canon emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, and is now retired and living in Devon.
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