Conflict & Concord


Bishop Humphrey Southern, Bronwen Neil, Sister Clare-Louise SLG, Sister Rosemary SLG, Sister Susan SLG

ISBN: 978-0-7283-0389-8

LENGTH: 62 pages

Conflict and Concord


How to understand and govern ourselves and our passions.

Conflict & Concord

Bronwen Neil, Sister Susan SLG, Sister Rosemary SLG, Sister Clare-Louise SLG, Bishop Humphrey Southern

Anger, revenge, evildoing, bitterness, aggression and recrimination seem to be everywhere in the world. Through writers and thinkers ranging from the early Fathers of the Church to the modern day, this book examines how we can understand and govern ourselves and our passions; how we can hold back from giving in to the temptations of anger and a desire for revenge, and how we can understand and forgive those passions in others and in ourselves.

Additional information




62 pages

Book Size

140 x 210 mm


Sister Susan SLG, Bishop Humphrey Southern, Bronwen Neil, Sister Clare-Louise SLG, Sister Rosemary SLG

Author Bio

Bishop Humphrey Southern read history at Christ Church Oxford. In 1983 He went to Ripon College Cuddesdon for three years of ordination training. He was appointed Bishop of Repton in the diocese of Derby in May 2007. He chaired the Mission and Pastoral Committee and enjoyed close involvement with schools, chairing the Diocesan Board of Education for two years. He was appointed Principal of Cuddesdon Theological College in April 2015 where he teaches Pastoral Theology.

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Bronwen Neil is Professor of Ancient History and teaches Latin and Byzantine history in the Department of History and Archaeology at Macquarie University, Sydney, and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities. She completed her PhD at Australian Catholic University in 1999 in the Centre for Early Christian Studies. She joined Macquarie University as Professor of Ancient History in 2017. She is co-author with Prof. Pauline Allen of three books on Maximus the Confessor and his life, and co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor (Oxford University Press, 2015), co-author of Greek and Latin Letters in Late Antiquity (Cambridge University Press, 2020), and the author of Dreams and Divination from Byzantium to Baghdad (400–1000 CE) (Oxford University Press, 2021).

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Sister Clare-Louise SLG worked as a nurse and then qualified as a librarian in the University of Wales before entering the Sisters of the Love of God. She was one of the authors of Monastic Vocation (SLG Press, 2021) and is a frequent contributor to the Fairacres Chronicle in addition to her preface to each issue as current Reverend Mother of the Sisters of the Love of God. She is influenced and encouraged by the Carmelite Saints and gives talks and retreats on the subject

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Sister Rosemary SLG entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1971 and was Reverend Mother from 1996-2007. She was Editor of SLG Press for a number of years.

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Sister Susan SLG read Classics at Royal Holloway and taught for two years before joining the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God. In 2018 she was awarded an MA in Church History from the University of Nottingham. She is at present Garden Sister and Librarian at Fairacres Convent in Oxford.

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