Chancing on Sanctity
James Ramsay
In a variety of moods and forms the poems in this collection attempt to capture something of the spiritual element that resides in the ore of common experience. They range from sing-song verse to taut lines embodying struggle. In some the everyday breaks into the numinous, in others the sacred is fused with ordinariness, even comedy. Irony has a prophetic edge, and human pain and brokenness, entangled with memory, border a mystical vision.
Author Bio
James Ramsay is an Anglican priest, retired from full-time ministry and living in north Norfolk. Before ordination he worked as a freelance translator. Following a curacy in Olney (Bucks) he served at the ecumenical church of the Holy Family in Blackbird Leys, Oxford, then at the Anglican church of the Resurrection in Bucharest, Romania, and finally at St Barnabas, Manor Park, Newham, where he was also part-time Chaplain at the University of East London. He has published two volumes of poetry, Monuments to a Stolen Revolution, and other poems from Bucharest (Small Stations Press) and Chancing on Sanctity (SLG Press). His works are illustrated by his wife, the artist Celia Ward, who works from a studio in their walled garden. She is a painter, muralist, textile artist, book designer, and founder of East London Textile Arts.
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