For those who study St Anselm, his prayers provide an intimate personal introduction to his thinking and his spirituality. For Anselm, who never considered himself a teacher of prayer, his prayers were simply personal devotions that he occasionally shared with others to encourage them to develop their own devotional style. Anselm would probably have been surprised to discover not only how widely his words were disseminated, but also the ways in which their translation and interpretation changed over the centuries. This brief study, by Sister Benedicta Ward, one of the leading scholars of early monastic life and thought, examines Anselm’s prayers as models and inspiration for mystics, saints and writers up to the present day.
Anselm of Canterbury: Teacher of Prayer
ISBN: 978-0-7283-0333-1
LENGTH: 72 pages
Fairacres Publications 196
This brief study, by one of the leading scholars of early monastic life and thought, examines St Anselm’s prayers as models and inspiration for mystics, saints and writers up to the present day.
Additional information
ISBN | 978-0-7283-0333-1 |
Length | 72 pages |
Book Size | 140 x 210 mm |
Author | Benedicta Ward SLG |
Author Bio
Sister Benedicta Ward SLG (1933–2022) entered the Community of the Sisters of the Love of God in 1955. She taught spirituality in the University of Oxford and was an Emeritus Fellow of Harris Manchester College. She wrote a number of books on early monasticism and on the Middle Ages, and was one of the world’s leading writers on the legacy of the Desert Fathers. Her published works include books on the Desert Fathers, the Venerable Bede, St Anselm, and on miracles and relics in the Christian tradition.
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